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2nd place U13 Boys

15th U13 Boys

104th U13 Boys

U13 Boys

75th U13 Girls

9th u15 Boys

14th u15 Boys

21st u15 Boys

31st u15 Boys

35th u15 Boys

59th u15 Boys

83rd u15 Boys

96th u15 Boys

113th u15 Boys

119th u15 Boys

28th u15 Girls

37th u15 Girls

67th u15 Girls

84th u15 Girls

90th u15 Girls

102nd u15 Girls

118th u15 Girls

127th u15 Girls

6th u17 Men

33rd u17 Men

35th u17 Men

39th u17 Men

55th u17 Men

76th u17 Men

77th u17 Men

84th u17 Men

89th u17 Men

94th u17 Men

96th u17 Men

99th u17 Men

102nd u17 Men

6th u17 Women

8th u17 Women

13th u17 Women

56th u17 Women

75th u17 Women

9th u20 Men

31st u20 Men

55th u20 Men

61st u20 Men

98th Senior Women

117th Senior Women

1116th Senior Women

247th Senior Women

148th Senior Men

207th Senior Men

184th Senior Men

300th Senior Men

309th Senior Men

322nd Senior Men

360th Senior Men

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