When you become a member of or renew your membership with Trafford Athletic Club you will automatically be registered as a member of England Athletics. We will provide England Athletics with your personal data which they will use to enable access to an online portal for you (called myAthletics portal). England Athletics will contact you to invite you to sign into and update your profile on the myAthletics portal (which, amongst other things, allows you to set and amend your privacy settings). If you have any questions about the continuing privacy of your personal data when it is shared with England Athletics, please contact dataprotection@englandathletics.org.
Please complete all details.
Please note students will need to show their student card at reception.
If you are under 16 years of age, please ask your parent/carer to complete the following section.
Please tell us in detail of any important medical information that the club should be aware of:
Please insert information below to indicate the persons who should be contacted in the event of an emergency:
Would you be prepared to help with any of the following (please tick)?
Please note that 2nd 1st claim is only for athletes where their first claim club has no track team. If your first claim club has a track team and you wish to use our facilities then you need to join as a Guest. The under 11 and under 13 sessions are very popular so please email us at admin@traffordac.co.uk to check if there are spaces available before joining. Please select which membership you would like: Please choose a type...Under 11 - £20 Currently full, please email us.Under 17 - £36 (£15 membership until the end of the year+£19 EA Fee+£2 NA Fee)Over 16 - £49 (£28 membership until the end of the year+£19 EA Fee+£2 NA Fee)Guest - £24 (until the end of the year - EA and NA fees not included)2nd 1st Claim - £13 (until the end of the year)Student - £39 (£18 membership until the end of the year+£19 EA Fee+£2 NA Fee)Official - £0Coach - £0HCA - £0Junior HCA - £0