You are here >> Home - News - News ItemNews Item17 August 202010 am update OPEN MEETING UPDATEEntries are now being accepted for the meeting on the 29th August which includes a 300mH & 400mH.
Further meetings will be held on Sunday 6th Sep, Sat 12th Sep & Sat 19th Sep. Further meetings may be held into October subject to demand. Details to follow.
To enter on-line follow this link https://www.traffordac.co.uk/php/index.php?script=openMeetEntry
The start times for this Saturday ( 22nd ) are ;
Midday 1500m S/c 12.20 800m 1.35 pm 300m 1.45 pm 400m 2.20 pm 1200m 2.55 pm 1500m 4.20 pm 3k Midday HT & TJ & HJ 1.30 pm JT 1.45 pm LJ
There will also be an Invitation SP, time to be confirmed.
The timetable and start lists will be on the website on Thursday