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10 June 2024

Club Training Nights Rescheduled

The club can now confirm that whilst the track is closed, starting on Monday 17th June our club sessions will be held at the Wythenshawe Park track, Wythenshawe Road M23 OAB on the following days;


Mondays             6 – 8 pm


Wednesdays      6 – 8 pm


Saturdays            10 – 11.30 am


Your coach will tell you the exact time of your sessions.


The training fee will be the usual £3 (£4 for non-members).


As we won't have our usual reception facilities, all athletes will need to pay every session, irrespective of account balances. Any balances will be held over until our track is re-opened.


Please bring cash as we are unsure whether our card reader will work in this location.


There is a car park and welfare facilities.

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