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18 October 2023

Manchester Half Marathon

Over 16,000 runners took to the streets of Manchester last Sunday to take part in the Manchester Half Marathon. After a period of warm autumnal weather, many of the athletes were unprepared for the icy conditions at the start line.
However, the sun soon broke through and made the conditions more bearable.
Leading Trafford athlete was Jay Ferns in 7th position in a personal best of 1.07.14. This moves him to 4th on the club's all-time list. Another excellent run came from 17 year old Sonny Wilson.  In his debut at the distance he recorded an impressive time of 1.17.26.  Not far behind were Stephen Grice in 1.21.07 (PB) and Tony Davenport in 1.22.55.  Competing the course in 1.24.11, Richard Turner was 4th V55 in the race, proving that age is no barrier in achieving a personal best.

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