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26 September 2023

Thrilling English Schools Heptathlon

Last weekend at Bedford it was the English Schools combined events Championships.  In the senior girls event Greater Manchester Schools had a strong team lead by Trafford's Neve Davenport.

After the first 2 events Neve was in 4th place but Neve has made great improvements in the throws this year and with a PB of 12.02m Neve moved in to a lead that she held at the end of day 1.  At this stage it was looking like West Yorkshire's Millie Hardy was going to be Neve's closest rival as she had excelled on day one with three PB's.

The Long Jump was the first event on day 2 and Neve started with a PB of 5.29m but with an outdoor PB of 5.40 Millie closed the gap. Neve's only poor performance over the weekend was in the javelin and that meant that Millie was only 5 seconds behind Neve with just the 800m to go. Based on the two athletes best runs over the last few years it was going to be very close. Millie rose to the task and recorded a 2 second PB of 2.20.69, but also recording a PB Neve held on to take the title by 2 seconds clocking 2.23.54.

A great competition between the countries best 29 Senior Girls. The Greater Manchester Team with Neve backed up by Rosella Togo 4th and Freya Dockerty 8th won the team event in a new Team record.

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