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30 January 2025

Open Meeting Info for 15th July

Click here to see the overall programme.


Order of Track Events


6.15pm   1500m U15
6.30pm   3000m U17 and up
7.15pm   800m U17 and up
8.00pm   BMC 800m Entries via BMC
8.15pm   1500m U17 and up
8.40pm   BMC 1500m Entries via BMC



Order of Field Events


6.30pm   Long Jump & Hammer U17 and up
7.30pm   Hammer U17 and up


  1. The organisers reserve the right to change any detail within the programme at any time.
  2. Enter via our website,
  3. Registration closes 30 mins before the event time – if you register after this time, you may be allocated a slower race.
  4. Meetings held under UKA Rules.
  5. An athlete disqualified for a false start will not be allowed to compete in another heat.
  6. Pacemakers are not allowed in any Open races, either for the race as a whole or for specific athletes within a race (unless pre-arranged with the organisers).
  7. No U15s or below unless otherwise stated on the list of events above.
  8. No U13s in the U15 races.
  9. The wearing of club vests is encouraged and assists the results team.
  10. External photographic/video evidence cannot be used to determine a result.
  11. Requests for performances not to be submitted to Power of 10 will be denied.


Spectators will be charged £2 entry.


Please park responsibly – consider our local residents.

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